Sunday 11 July 2010

What happens when sunddenly you realize there's nothing?

For years women have been fighting for equal rights and opportunities when it comes to men. A bunch of crazy ones have burnt their bras a while ago and for what? for nothing!!! I blame them!

Nowadays, I look around and find different type of women. At least, down here in Brazil, I can identify those that have burnt their bras and "cynically" claim they do not need men (but in my reckoning they do, but are not brave enough to admit it!!); those that have ignored the stupid bra burning episode and live a "happy" married life, some in this group work and some just don't do any professional activity and rely solely on the wages of their husbands (those in my cynic view are the happiest type); there are a very few examples of those that have it all: a happy marriage and a well-grounded career; and those, to which I belong, that got lost in the system and do not have either: nor a career or a happy marriage....

Don't get me wrong, but I would say, among my generation of women, the latter type is the most popular one. This thing of happily burning bras worked in some way fine for my mum's generation. But for the mid-thirties of the moment this does not work and only results in nothing. We run the risk of investing time and energy building a career, while putting our romantic life at the background, and suddenly when something goes wrong in the career, we end up with nothing! Nothing at all: just a huge amount of un-burnt bras in the drawer!!!

Saturday 6 March 2010


Like in every concert we have an encore, sometimes in life we have a little chance of an encore... but sometimes the bad guys turn into the good guys and the leading lady sundenlly becomes just a supporting act of the story once hers but now turned into his own...

Some people are like this. They transform whatever on their own story...

He, that once was the shining prince transformed back to the frog or the vilan is now feeling quite happy because she, once the lovelly princess now transformed back into a punpikin, has spoken to him. "Yes", he celebrates, "she spoke to me". And now he feels fine, and she feels hurt still. He feels like a big weight removed from his shoulders and feels satisfied. But all she did, once again, was to let her heart lead the way. She did not rehearsed what to do in case she would see him again... she did not thought and prepared herself... she acted diplomaticaly, politely, giving him the false impression that things between them were all right, when in the reality all she needs from him is him saying he is sorry for doing that to her. But the shining frog will never do it..... not even in the encore!