Thursday 30 July 2009

How long has it been!?

One whole month! Uff!

I have been busy, not much time to think of anything apart phd. That is it, I have become a geek! I dream with the stuff! I talk about the stuff! I live the bloody stuff...

Very recently I met a guy. Nice, handsome, seemed very keen...and guess what!?! I scare him away! Poor guy! In the balance, he might have thought: "here it is, a nice girl, that is going away very soon, but can only bloody talk about her bloody phd!" Anyways, to him I say: it was nice not knowing you!

On the other hand, the fact that I soon am going to go back to Rio has made me to re-discover some undiscovered friends. It's being nice, fun, easy, necessary and mine. Am not sharing it with anyone. Am keeping it low profile. It is my business, noone else's.

From now, those are the updates.....

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