Thursday 26 March 2009

Things I know!

Am copying this from my FB notes...
I suddenly remembered this brazilian song called "Coisas que eu sei" , the song itself is not magically beautiful but the lyrics I quite like it... and here is a fair translation - it is not a complete translation as there's a bit i don't like it:

Things I know...
I want to get closer to what I think is right, until I change my mind
It is my experiment, my pact with the science, my knowledge, my distraction

Things I know: I guess them without people having to tell me
Things I know: My alarm clock shows the wrong time – press play.

I like my room, my little mess no one can mess with it
It is my point of view, I do not accept tourists, my world is not open for visitation...

Things I know: fear lives close to the crazy ideas
Things I know: If I go I will go like this, will not change my clothing - it is my law.

Sometimes I get lazy in all my mess, the more I mess with it the messier it becomes...
I live in this scenario, in the imaginary; I leave and return to it whenever I fell like it...

Things I know: nights become brighter in the dawn
Things I know: were things I didn't know before, but now I know.

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