Monday 20 April 2009

Christ's Age

So here I am in the newest version 3.3!!!

Almost four whole years away from home and 3 of the b-days celebrated over these lands - 'cos for the big one (3.0) I went home 'cos was too scared to spend it over here ehehehe ... You know that the place you celebrate your b-day has an influence on how the year will be... I mean, those that believe in astrology also do take into account the place where you spending your b-day when they build your astrological map.... Well that was at least what I read sometime ago...

The b-day itself was quite enjoyable and nice... No nasty surprises no tears shed... Guess I am definitly gowing up (maybe!?!?!)... I think I kept my expectations in a very good low level - that helped! And I even got surprised!!! But am not wanting to dwell on it..... But guess will still write about it someday !

All I want to add is that having this b-day was reminding me that this is the last year here... I remember thinking to myself, when I took the decision to come all the way here, I thought: "Oh, I will be back and I will be 33".... There you go, here I am! Sacry I would say.... But then again more about it later....

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