Wednesday 6 May 2009

I guess them without people having to tell me...

I am feeling funny today... and am not quite sure why... might be just "missing" or "guessing"... I sometimes have these things of guessing things without people having to tell me... this is one of the things I know: I do somethimes guess! Maybe not 100% totaly right but I get there... So I guess that is it... I am having a premunition feeling... but of what!?!? Can't quite right say of what... am just feeling it... maybe it will be confirmed later.

In other feelings: I can't seem to be able to find motivation for speeding up this final phase of my phd... aff... I do sometime have another feeling, the "I'm so screwed" feeling... but not even this one makes me move faster.... I wish I could have the strengh.......

Sorry for the "blue" post... is just too many feelings I have...

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